Friday, April 11, 2014

Northeastern District Event March 28th and 29th 2014

The Aztechs 157 robotics team attended the Northeastern District competition this past week. We came into this district with such energy, enthusiasm, and electricity. This was a challenge that we took part in and were ready to see through until the very end. 

Our robot was delivered into the pits with our diligent drive team, and the rest of our team was decorated and dazzling, ready for the day's endeavors. Sheer passion was dripping from our foreheads and our robot was driven to leave it all on the arena. 

No rank was bringing us down, it was only the dance music that allowed our enthusiastic team members to flock down the stairs and accompany fellow teams. The music kept the whole university in its seats, moving and grooving, but the students and mentors were highly spirited and dancing all the way home afterwards. 
See our dedicated team members; students, and mentors making a quick adjustment to the robot. Meet Marcus Fletcher, Michael Villani, Matt Kahn, Nick, Teju, and Kayleigh Stevens. 

See our mascots in action on the arena's dedicated dance floor with mascots and members from other teams. May I also introduce Jennifer Moore, Amy Fowler, and "Supernor"-bot. 

See the adorable duo from Hudson, Massachusetts, best friends before they even met each other in person; members Becky Beaudoin and Jennifer Moore. 

Are you ready for the competition? Start your engines and let it rip. Wave your yellow and blue banners and "Go Aztechs!"

WPI District Event March 13th and 14th 2014

               The Aztechs 157 Robotics team was up in Worcester a couple weeks back in pursuit of a fierce competition. Arriving early in the morning, our pit was swarming with curious FIRST team members asking intelligent and wise questions to an experienced team. Meanwhile, our other team members were gathering spirit equipment; the aztech head-bot, spear, shield, and feather bands. All dolled up with our festive gear, we went around the pits, and opened up our spiffy new scouting app, FRC Scout.
                The level of coopertition at this district event was off of the radar, and we saw gracious professionalism being displayed all-throughout the place in and outside of Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Everyone learned so much at this event, gathering information for competition, forming many FIRST friendships, and having fun.
Team members Mrs. Fowler, and Liz Lowe, an academic array, are sporting their Aztech spirit-wear. 

From left to right we have team members Becky Beaudoin, Amy Fowler, Liz Lowe, Ava Rule, Jennifer Moore, Teju, Nick, and many other team members in the back ground and in the pit area. In this picture we are up in a match, holding up our signs, spear, shield, and distinguished flag. 

Meet our dedicated drive team, from left to right Kayleigh Stevens, Shamus Hughes, Michael Villani, and Patrick Hughes. Say "Hi!" to the robot!